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L’eau rouge

Screenplay by Michel Fessler & Rithy Panh
Adapted from « L’eau rouge » by Pascale Roze


A film by  Rithy Panh
In 1952, Laurence Bertilleux, a 22 years young lady, looking for identity, engages in the French army, which is entangled in its war in Indochina. Hiding her important chest under her uniform, the young lady flees the family conformism and come to serve France, in mission for the cinematographic unit of the army. Soon, she was intoxicated by the beauty of landscapes and enjoys contact with the population. But the Vietminh steps up its fight, ambushes and attacks are increasing… While the shadow of the defeat of “Dien Bien Phu” tip, Laurence will have known love, the lost of her beloved, the horros of the war and betrayal. Back in France, she will be riddled with guilt and regrets…